
Introducing plans for Goblin and Coins 2

It's been more than a year and a half since the release of Goblin and Coins and I'm really happy with how it turned out. It was a great fun making it and only now I'm getting to fully appreciate the experience. It started as a practice and grew up... mostly thanks to support from great people who tried it and liked it and encouraged me to continue... but it was also very hard to finish it and not go crazy from the pressure. At some point I knew I have to release it or it will never be done... and just save improvements for the next game... so I did.

And it wasn't perfect, but I think people liked it enough to warrant a better, improved game to follow. My initial idea was to rest and then make something else. So I started prototyping 2-3 new games, worked on some smaller and bigger ideas... but eventually came back to Goblin. It's just... so much fun working on it.

Anyway, what is the plan:

  • Higher resolution, better graphics
  • Basically the same mechanics but with improvements (like double jump, slopes, upgrading...)
  • Everything is more animated and alive, incl. backgrounds and static objects
  • Semi-open world (more on this later)
  • Repeatable levels that show you what you've already picked up
  • Mini-games that have to be unlocked (incl. simple puzzles)
  • More things to collect besides coins and recipes
  • Even weirder enemies and story line
  • Larger levels with potential "continue spots" instead of previous "respawn" mechanics
  • Built in multi language support (GnC had it added later awkwardly)
  • Main menu and settings menu remember where you were before leaving/returning (people really want this a lot)
  • Improved key rebinding feature
  • Prettier menus 😋
  • DX11 required instead of DX9

What's done so far and working (alpha v0.3, October 2017 - March 2018):

  • Functional menus (main, settings, credits), working on finishing graphics and animations for UI
  • Functional in-game multi language support
  • Basic mechanics including slopes and double jump
  • Basic enemy script and sprites/animations for one enemy in 2 variants
  • Bunch of writing, diagrams, algorithms and other things that will be useful later
  • Improved Goblin sprites
  • Popup menus (quit/pause/tutorial and so on)
  • gamepad support (x-input and d-input)

When to expect it?
Not before 2019

The idea is to keep the same spirit of the game, so all the improvements don't... destroy it from within. We'll see if I make it. Wish me luck.
