
Minor improvements, Alpha coming soon!

After the initial feedback on the last version, build is available for download in Windows and Linux (Ubuntu) edition. There's nothing new content-wise, but there are some important improvements that plyers have been asking for for a while now.

  • Added a short pause after re-spawn so players don't accidentally die again by sliding into a nearby trap. This was the most wanted function lately and I think it will help casual players a lot, but am not sure if I should also keep it for the "old school" difficulty level. I have time to think about it and gather feedback as my focus for now is on the casual mode, with intention to define rules for old school at a later point.
  • Added ability to reset keyboard keys to default setting. Not many people asked for this but it should be useful.
  • Added support for D-pad on gamepads (alongside analogue stick). Apparently I forgot this basic function before, so it's here now. Really hope it works as intended, as I don't have a gamepad yet so I can't test it. Thinking of getting Logitech F310, it has Xinput and a nice shape.
  • Improved tree tiles in world 3. Basically I re-positioned the holes in the trees and made them a bit bigger, but more importantly, I added "transparency" to emulate entering the shadow that the tree is casting.
  • Improved ghost sprites in world 2. Added more shades to make it look more natural and changed color of secondary variant completely... Might reverse that based on feedback.

Please note: Promotion to alpha is long overdue. There's no known game-breaking bugs for months now, game works just fine and graphics have been improved a lot lately. I'll change development status from pre-alpha to alpha as soon as I'm happy with the amount of testing this version receives.

Demo has been updated as well.


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